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Maintenance Update 12 31 2016

Overview: Financial Calculator Update 12/31/2016

The quarterly update for 12/31/2016 is a large update, affecting every calculator. The majority of the changes affect the functionality of the calculations, updating them to 2017 rules and regulations. The most significant calculation changes in this update were to the retirement, savings, and tax calculators. In addition this update enhances all calculators for better ADA support. All standard calculators are now designed to meet or exceed accessibility specification WACG 2.0 Level AA and Section 508.

All maintenance releases are cumulative, so if you apply this update, you will have all previous calculator updates as well. For your reference you can view the previous update notes here: 9/30/2016 Update.

If you wish to upgrade to V3 please email use us at:

Version 3 (V3) Calculator Updates

For more detailed information please see our frequently asked questions: FAQ

V3 calculators use JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS to display and run the calculators. The are responsively designed to work on Computers, Tablets and Phones.

If you wish to upgrade to V3 please email use us at:

Update Instructions

For more detailed information please see our frequently asked questions: FAQ

  1. Download the latest update package for your calculators from your download site, found on your update e-mail notice.

  2. Execute the KJEUpdate.exe file from your download. This is a self-extracting zip file. (Or unzip the KJEUpdate.zip file if you are using a non-windows platform.) If you see a warning message, you can safely continue. When prompted for a directory, you may use the default or enter your own. It is recommended that you extract the update to a new directory and then move the required files to your production or staging environment. One directory will be created with no subdirectories.

  3. Replace all files provided in update package. The update package includes all JS files and CSS files that are required to update the content of your calculators. IMPORTANT! The update package does not contain any HTML files or the KJESiteSpecific.js or KJESiteSpecific.css files. These files are not required for an upgrade, and replacing them may result in overwriting custom changes for your website intstallation. If you use the full installation package and have changed the file KJESiteSpecific.js or KJESiteSpecific.css files do not replace them.

When you test the new version of the calculators, make sure that the browser you are using uses the new files instead of any it may have in its cache. You may need to clear the browser's cache manually to ensure the new versions are loaded.

Please note, if you have a Servlet or other custom deployment, installation instructions for your package will found on your download page or provided separately.

If you wish to upgrade to V3 please email use us at:

Update Changes 12/31/2016

The V3 (HTML5/JavaScript) calculators do not require any edits or modifications to HTML pages, all changes are encapsulated within the JS files provided.

  1. ADA requirements for WACG 2.0 level AA and Section 508

    All calculators follow the ADA guidelines to meet or exceed accessibility specification WACG 2.0 Level AA and Section 508. Changes in this update include:

    1. Improved keyboard access to definitions and help text. New accessible buttons appear by all labels with available help text or definitions. All buttons provide easy keyboard access and screen reader aria attributes.
    2. All fonts use relative sizing in EM units. This allows for better stretching to fit screen sizes or end user's preferred font size.
    3. Color adjustments to defaults to allow for better contrast when fields or labels are disabled.
    4. Use of table markup preferred by ADA standards to enable screen readers to more consitently announce row and column headers in table data. This includes use of Caption and row header elements on all tables with tabular data (non-presentaion).

  2. The definition for Rate of Return has been updated to include 2016.

    New definition:
    The actual rate of return is largely dependent on the types of investments you select. The Standard & Poor's 500® (S&P 500®) for the 10 years ending December 31st 2016, had an annual compounded rate of return of 6.6%, including reinvestment of dividends. From January 1, 1970 to December 31st 2016, the average annual compounded rate of return for the S&P 500®, including reinvestment of dividends, was approximately 10.3% (source: www.standardandpoors.com). Since 1970, the highest 12-month return was 61% (June 1982 through June 1983). The lowest 12-month return was -43% (March 2008 to March 2009). Savings accounts at a financial institution may pay as little as 0.25% or less but carry significantly lower risk of loss of principal balances.

    It is important to remember that these scenarios are hypothetical and that future rates of return can't be predicted with certainty and that investments that pay higher rates of return are generally subject to higher risk and volatility. The actual rate of return on investments can vary widely over time, especially for long-term investments. This includes the potential loss of principal on your investment. It is not possible to invest directly in an index and the compounded rate of return noted above does not reflect sales charges and other fees that Separate Account investment funds and/or investment companies may charge.

    New definition Spanish Definition:
    El por ciento de rendimiento real dependerá en gran parte del tipo de inversión que usted escoja. De enero de 1970 a enero de 2017 el por ciento de rendimiento promedio ponderado para el índice "S&P 500", incluyendo la reinversión de dividendos, fue aproximadamente 10.3% por año. Durante estos años el rendimiento mayor para un periodo de 12 meses fue de 61% mientras el menor fue de -43%. Las cuentas de ahorro en los bancos pagan un interés tan bajo como 1% o menos.

    Es importante recordar que el por ciento de rendimiento futuro no se pueden predecir con certeza y que las inversiones que pagan un por ciento de rendimiento mayor están sujetos a un mayor riesgo y volatilidad. El por ciento de rendimiento real puede variar extensamente durante el su vida, especialmente en inversiones a largo plazo, incluyendo una potencial perdida de principal de su inversión.

    This affects the following 66 calculators:

    Calculator TypeNameHTML File Changed
     Auto CalculatorsLease vs. BuyBuyvsLease.html
     Business CalculatorsEquipment Buy vs. LeaseBizBuyvsLease.html
     Business Debt Consolidation CalculatorBizConsolidate.html
     Credit Cards and Debt ManagementConsolidation Loan Investment CalculatorInvestmentDebt.html
     Insurance CalculatorsVariable Annuity CalculatorAnnuity.html
     Comprehensive Life Insurance AnalysisEnhancedLifeIns.html
     Health Savings Account (HSA) Goal CalculatorHSAGoal.html
     Health Savings Account (HSA) Savings CalculatorHSASavings.html
     Human Life ValueHumanLifeValue.html
     Life Insurance CalculatorLifeInsurance.html
     Investment CalculatorsAnnual Rate of Return CalculatorAnnualReturn.html
     Lump Sum Annual Return CalculatorAnnualReturnAmount.html
     Compare Investment FeesCompareFees.html
     Mutual Fund Expense CalculatorFundExpense.html
     Future Value CalculatorFutureValue.html
     Lump Sum Future Value CalculatorFutureValueAmount.html
     Taxable vs. Tax Advantaged InvestmentsInvestCompare.html
     Investment Savings and DistributionsInvestmentDistribution.html
     Investment DistributionsInvestmentDistribution2.html
     Investment LoanInvestmentLoan.html
     Investment ReturnsInvestmentReturn.html
     Investment GoalInvestmentVariables.html
     IRR CalculatorIRRReturn.html
     Present Value CalculatorPresentValue.html
     Lump Sum Present Value CalculatorPresentValueAmount.html
     Personal Economic Recovery CalculatorRecoverTime.html
     Annual Stock Option GrantsStockGrants.html
     Stock Option CalculatorStockOptions.html
     Mortgage CalculatorsRent vs. BuyMortgageRentvsBuy.html
     Retirement Savings and PlanningHow Important is Social Security?NoSocial.html
     Pension Plan Retirement OptionsPensionOptions.html
     Traditional IRA CalculatorRegularIRA.html
     401(k) Savings CalculatorRetire401k.html
     403(b) Savings CalculatorRetire403b.html
     457 Savings CalculatorRetire457.html
     72(t) Distribution ImpactRetire72Alt.html
     Beneficiary Required Minimum DistributionsRetireBeneficiary.html
     Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)RetireDistrib.html
     How long will my retirement savings last?RetirementDistribution.html
     Retirement IncomeRetirementIncome.html
     Retirement Nestegg CalculatorRetirementNestegg.html
     Retirement PlannerRetirementPlan.html
     Retirement Pension PlannerRetirementPlan3.html
     Retirement Planner with Retirement EarningsRetirementPlan4.html
     Retirement ShortfallRetireShort.html
     Individual 401(k) Savings CalculatorRetireSolo401k.html
     401(k) Spend It or Save It CalculatorRollover401k.html
     Roth IRA CalculatorRothIRA.html
     Roth IRA ConversionRothTransfer.html
     Roth vs. Traditional IRARothvsRegular.html
     Roth vs. Traditional 401(k)RothvsTraditional401k.html
     RMD & Stretch IRA CalculatorStretchIRA.html
     Savings CalculatorsCollege SavingsCollegeSavings.html
     Compare Savings RatesCompareSavings.html
     Compound Interest and Your ReturnCompoundInterest.html
     Savings CalculatorCompoundSavings.html
     Savings Distribution CalculatorDistribSavings.html
     Emergency Savings CalculatorEmergency.html
     Lunch SavingsLunchSaver.html
     Cool MillionMillionaire.html
     Savings GoalsSavings.html
     Savings, Taxes, and InflationSavingsVariables.html
     Benefit of Spending LessSpendLess.html
     Vice SavingsViceSaver.html
     Don't Delay Your Savings!WaitCost.html

  3. The definition for Inflation and Expected Inflation Rate has been updated to include CPI data from 2016. The CPI for 2016 was estimated by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve as 1.1% (the annualized rate), this small difference from the existing long term average no enough change the long term average of 2.9%. The new definition now reads:

    This is what you expect for the average long-term inflation rate. A common measure of inflation in the U.S. is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). From 1925 through 2016 the CPI has a long-term average of 2.9% annually. Over the last 40 years highest CPI recorded was 13.5% in 1980. For 2016, the last full year available, the CPI was 1.1% annually as reported by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve.

    For Spanish the definition now reads as:

    Lo que espera para el índice promedio de inflación a largo plazo. Una medida común de inflación en los Estados Unidos es el Índice de Precios al Consumidor (Consumer Price Index, CPI), que tiene un promedio a largo plazo del 2.9% anual, de 1925 a 2016.

    This affects the following 25 calculators:

    Calculator TypeNameHTML File Changed
     Insurance CalculatorsDisability InsuranceDisability.html
     Health Savings Account (HSA) Goal CalculatorHSAGoal.html
     Health Savings Account (HSA) Savings CalculatorHSASavings.html
     Human Life ValueHumanLifeValue.html
     Life Insurance CalculatorLifeInsurance.html
     Long Term Care CalculatorLongtermCare.html
     Investment CalculatorsInvestment Savings and DistributionsInvestmentDistribution.html
     Investment DistributionsInvestmentDistribution2.html
     Investment ReturnsInvestmentReturn.html
     Investment GoalInvestmentVariables.html
     Personal Economic Recovery CalculatorRecoverTime.html
     Mortgage CalculatorsRent vs. BuyMortgageRentvsBuy.html
     Retirement Savings and PlanningHow Important is Social Security?NoSocial.html
     How long will my retirement savings last?RetirementDistribution.html
     Retirement IncomeRetirementIncome.html
     Retirement Nestegg CalculatorRetirementNestegg.html
     Retirement PlannerRetirementPlan.html
     Retirement Pension PlannerRetirementPlan3.html
     Retirement Planner with Retirement EarningsRetirementPlan4.html
     Retirement ShortfallRetireShort.html
     Social Security BenefitsSocialSecurity.html
     Company Stock Distribution Analysis CalculatorStockRollover401k.html
     Savings CalculatorsCool MillionMillionaire.html
     Savings GoalsSavings.html
     Savings, Taxes, and InflationSavingsVariables.html
     Inflationary MillionareInflationMillionaire.html
     Price InflationInflationPrice.html
     Inflation HistoryInflationHistory.html

  4. Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

      Have been finalized for 2017 changes. The limits and amounts were increased slightly from 2017 for all HSA calculations. All calculators were updated to indicate the new 2017 amounts. Income tax brackets and rates were updated to 2017. This includes the following:

      The table below shows the limits for HSA's in 2017.

      Health Savings Accounts (HSA) Contribution and Limits
      HSA Contribution LimitSingle: $3,400
      Family: $6,750
      Single: $3,400
      Family: $6,750
      Single: $50+
      Family: no change
      HSA catch-up contributions$1,000$1,000No change, not indexed to inflation
      HDHP mimimum deductible*Single: $1,300
      Family: $2,600
      Single: $1,300
      Family: $2,600
      Single: no change
      Family: no change
      HDHP maximum out-of-pocket**Single: $6,550
      Family: $13,100
      Single: $6,550
      Family: $13,100
      Single: no change
      Family: no change
      *Catch-up contributions can be made anytime during the year in which the participant turns 55.
      **This includes deductible amount, co-payments and other non-premium payments.

      Please note, you are no longer eligible to make HSA contributions starting in the first month that you are eligible for and enrolled in Medicare Part A or B.

      For complete details on HSAs you may wish to visit the U.S. Treasury at http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/faqs/Taxes/Pages/Health-Savings-Accounts.aspx

    This affects the following calculators:

    HTML File ChangedName
    HSABusiness.htmlEmployer Benefit
    HSAContribution.htmlHealth Savings Account (HSA) Contribution Calculator
    HSASavings.htmlHealth Savings Account (HSA) Savings Calculator
    HSAvsTraditional.htmlHealth Savings Account (HSA) vs. Traditional Health Plan
    HSAGoal.htmlHealth Savings Account (HSA) Goal Calculator

  5. Individual 401(k) Contribution Comparison(Individual401kContribution.html): Has been updated for 2017. Contribution limits have increased to $54,000 per year. Definitions and information have been updated to reflect the calculator is current for 2017.

  6. Individual 401(k) Savings Calculator(RetireSolo401k.html): Has been updated for 2017, 401(k) contributions remain unchanged at $18,000 and total defined benefit contribution limit has increased to $54,000.

  7. Self-Employment Tax Calculator (TaxSelfEmployment.html): Has been finalized for the 2016. Minor changes have occurred to the definitions and the calculations, but there have been no additional input and output fields. (Note: the 2017 version of this calculator will be released 3/31/2017 which can be used for 2017 taxes which are filed in April 2018.)

  8. 1040EZ Tax Form (TaxEZ1040.html), Marginal and Effective Tax Rates (TaxMargin.html): Have been finalized for the 2016. Minor changes have occurred to the definitions and the calculations. (Note: the 2017 version of this calculator will be released 3/31/2017 which can be used for 2017 taxes which are filed in April 2018.)

  9. 1040 Tax Estimator (Tax1040.html): Has been updated for changes in 2016. The final version of the 1040 tax form for 2016, and matching of labels and field names is also complete. This no input fields were added or removed. (Note: the 2017 version of this calculator will be released 3/31/2017 which can be used for 2017 taxes which are filed in April 2018.)

  10. Charitable Tax Savings Calculator (CharitableTaxSavings.html): Has been updated for changes in 2016 (Note: the 2017 versions of this calculator will be released 3/31/2017).

  11. Long Term Care, Long Term Care Savings Calculator (LongtermCare.html, LongTermCareSavings.html): The estimated costs have been updated to reflect the cost of 2016 nursing home and home health care costs.

    Definition for long term card costs has been updated to:

      This is your current estimated cost of long term care. According to the Genworth Financial 2016 Cost of Care Survey, the estimated median annual cost for a nursing home stay was $82,125 per year for a semi-private room. This is about $225 per day. The cost for a private room was $92,345 or $253 per day. Assisted living at home can cost more than $43,200 per year or $20.00 per hour for a home healthcare aid. All of these long-term care costs can be considerably higher in larger metropolitan areas.

      The default daily value was increased to $253.

  12. Retirement Contribution Effects on Your Paycheck (RetirePayrollSavings.html, Spanish: SPRetirementPayrollSavings.html, RetirementPayrollSavings2.html): In addition to the Payroll changes described for the calculators above, the contribution limits for retirement plans on this calculator remain unchanged at $18,000 for 2017.

  13. Payroll and withholding calculators

    Each of these calculators has been updated to the new withholding rates for 2017 as published in IRS Publication 15 (2017) Income Tax Withholding Tables for 2016. The associated withholding tables have been updated as well as the calculations. In addition, the definitions and calculations have been updated to reflect that the calculator is using the 2017 amounts.

    This affects the following calculators:

    HTML File ChangedName
    Payroll.htmlPayroll Deductions
    PayrollHourly.htmlHourly Paycheck Calculator
    Payroll125.htmlSection 125 Cafeteria Plan
    PayrollGross.htmlNet to Gross Paycheck Calculator
    457Payroll.html457 Payroll Calculator
    IncomeOneorTwo.htmlShould my spouse work?
    RetirePayrollSavings.htmlRetirement Contribution Effects on Your Paycheck
    RetirePayrollSavings2.htmlRetirement Contribution Effects on Your Paycheck
    SPPayroll.htmlCheque deducciones y retenciones
    SPRetirePayrollSavings.htmlEfectos de sus Aportaciones a su Jubilación sobre su Cheque de Paga

    1. 401(k)/403(b) limits are $18,000 under 50, $24,000 for 50 and over
    2. Social Security tax (2017 earned income maximum of $127,200 with employee rate 6.2%).
    3. FICA maximum $7,886.40
    4. Allowances is $4050 (unchanged for 2017)
    5. Additional Medicare Tax withholdings of 0.9% for earned income above $200,000. No change for 2017
    6. Flexible Spending Account for Medical maximum is increased to $2600 for 2016
    7. Definition updates as follows:
      Year-to-date earnings
      Your current year gross earnings that were subject to FICA taxes (Social Security tax and Medicare tax). This total should not include the current payroll period or any income from other sources or employers. We use this amount to determine if you are required to have Social Security tax or additional Medicare tax withheld for the current payroll period. Typically, this is your gross earnings minus employer paid health insurance and any Flexible Spending Account (FSA) contributions. In 2017, year-to-date earnings is not required or used for incomes under $127,200 per year, or if your current year-to-date earnings plus your current payroll does not exceed $127,200.

      Social Security tax
      For 2017, Social Security tax is calculated as your gross earnings times 6.2%. For 2017, incomes over $127,200 that have already had the maximum Social Security tax of $7,886.40 withheld will not have additional withholdings. Please note that if you have other wages or employers this calculator does not make any assumptions as to the total Social Security tax withheld for the current year other than the actual inputs for this calculator. This tax is also referred to as the Federal Insurance Contributions Act Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance (FICA OASDI).

      Federal income tax withholdings were calculated by
      Federal income tax withholding was calculated by:
      1. Multiplying taxable gross wages by the number of pay periods per year to compute your annual wage.
      2. Subtracting the value of allowances allowed (for 2017, this is $4,050 multiplied by withholding allowances claimed).
      3. Determining your annual tax by using the tables below (single and married rates, respectively).
      4. Dividing the amount of tax by the number of pay periods per year to arrive at the amount of federal tax withholding to be deducted per pay period.
      Single Withholding Rates 2017*
      Annual taxable income between these amountsAnnual withholdingWithhold additional % of income over this amount
      $0 - $2,300.00$0.00 
      $2,300.00 - $11,625.00$0.00plus 10% of income over $0.00
      $11,625.00 - $40,250$932.50plus 15% of income over $932.50
      $40,250 - $94,200$5,226.25plus 25% of income over $5,226.25
      $94,200 - $193,950$18,713.75plus 28% of income over $18,713.75
      $193,950 - $419,000$46,643.75plus 33% of income over $46,643.75
      $419,000 - $420,700$120,910.25plus 35% of income over $120,910.25
      $420,700 - (no limit)$121,505.25plus 39.6% of income over $121,505.25
      *Source: http://www.irs.gov Publication 15 Income Tax Withholding Tables for 2017
      Married Withholding Rates 2017*
      Annual taxable income between these amountsAnnual withholdingWithhold additional % of income over this amount
      $0 - $8,650$0.00 
      $8,650 - $27,300$0.00plus 10% of income over $0.00
      $27,300 - $84,550$1,865.00plus 15% of income over $1,865.00
      $84,550 - $161,750$10,452.50plus 25% of income over $10,452.50
      $161,750 - $242,000$29,752.50plus 28% of income over $29,752.50
      $242,000 - $425,350$52,222.50plus 33% of income over $52,222.50
      $425,350 - $479,350$112,725.50plus 33% of income over $112,725.50
      $479,350 - (no limit)$131,628.00plus 39.6% of income over $131,628.00
      *Source: http://www.irs.gov Publication 15 Income Tax Withholding Tables for 2017

  14. College Savings (CollegeSavings.html, SPCollegeSavings.html (Spanish)), College Planner (CollegePlanner.html): The definition for tuition, room and board, and education cost inflation have been updated to include the average costs for the 2016-16 school year. The defaults have also been changed to reflect the new average cost for the 2016-16 school year and the average cost increases for tuition and room and board. The new information is show below:
    U.S. Undergraduate College Costs for 2016-17 School Year
    Source: College Board's 2016 Trends in College Pricing, www.collegeboard.com
     Tuition & FeesRoom & BoardTotalChange from 2015-16
    Public 4-Year (in-state tuition)$9,650$10,440$20,0902.4%
    Public 4-Year (out-state tuition)$24,070$11,300$35,3702.4%
    Private 4-Year$33,480$11,890$45,3703.3%

  15. 401(k) Calculator (Retire401k.html), 401(k) With Profit Sharing (Retire401kProfitShare.html): The definitions and the calculation module have been updated to reflect the 2017 maximum contribution limits of $18,000 annually for those under 50 and $24,000 annually for those 50 and older (no change from 2017). The limitation used in the definition of highly compensated employee remains unchanged at $120,000.

  16. 457 Calculator (Retire457.html): The definitions and the calculation module have been updated to reflect 2017 maximum contribution limits of $18,000 annually for those under 50 and $24,000 annually for those 50 and older.

  17. 403b Calculator (Retire403b.html): The definitions and the calculation module have been updated to reflect 2017 maximum contribution limits of $18,000 annually for those under 50 and $24,000 annually for those 50 and older.

  18. Pre-tax or Roth (after tax) Account? (RothvsPreTaxAccount.html): The definitions and the calculation module have been updated to reflect 2017 maximum contribution limits of $18,000 annually for those under 50 and $24,000 annually for those 50 and older.

  19. 72(t) Calculator: Early withdrawals from retirement accounts (Retire72T.html, Retire72T2.html), 72(t) Distributions: Impact on retirement fund balances (Retire72TAlt.html): The Federal Mid-Term rate has been updated for January 2017. This change affects the calculators default values and the definition of Reasonable Interest Rate For January 2017. For January 2017, 120% of the Federal Mid-Term rate is 2.36%.

  20. Roth IRA (RothIRA.html), Traditional IRA (RegularIRA.html), Roth vs. Traditional IRA (RothvsRegular.html): These calculators have been updated to 2017 phase out ranges. The maximum annual contribution of $5,500 per individual under 50 and $6,500 per individual over 50 remains unchanged from 2017. These changes include updates to the calculation module as well as the definitions and the report.

    Additional changes to the phase-outs affecting these calculator have been made. The tables and text below has been updated:

    The table below summarizes the income 'phase-out' ranges for Roth IRAs.

    Roth IRA 2017 Contribution Phaseout
    Tax Filing Status2017 Income Phase-Out Range
    Married filing jointly or head of household$186,000 to $196,000
    Single$118,000 - $133,000
    Married filing separately$0 - $10,000

    *For the purposes of this calculator, we assume you are not Married filing separately and contributing to a Roth IRA.

    The table below summarizes the income 'phase-out' ranges for Traditional IRA tax deductions

    Standard Deduction for 2017 Federal Income Tax
    Tax Filing Status2017 Traditional IRA Deduction Phase-Out Ranges
    Married filing jointly$99,000 - $119,000
    Single or Head of Household$62,000 - $72,000
    Married filing separately$0 - $10,000
    This calculator automatically determines if your tax deduction is limited by your income. However, there are two unusual situations not automatically accounted for where additional tax phase-outs are applied. First, if your spouse has an employer sponsored retirement plan but you do not, your tax deduction is phased out from $186,000 to $196,000. Second, if you are married filing separately and have an employer sponsored retirement plan, the income phase-out is from $0 to $10,000.

  21. Roth 401(k) or Traditional 401(k)?, Roth 401(k) vs. Traditional 401(k) and your Paycheck, Roth vs Traditional 401(k) (Compare401k.html, Compare401k2.html, RothvsTraditional401k.html) contribution limit notes updated for 2016. The definitions and the calculation module have been updated to reflect the 2017 maximum contribution limits of $18,000 annually for those under 50 and $24,000 annually for those 50 and older.

  22. Retirement Planner, Retirement Pension Planner, Retirement Planner with Retirement Earnings (RetirementPlan.html, RetirementPlan3.html,RetirementPlan4.html): Calculations and definitions for Social Security updated. (See Social Security calculator update for details).

  23. 2017 Federal Tax Rate table has been added to the following calculators (replacing the 2017 Federal Tax Table)
    HTML File ChangedName
    401(k) Net Unrealized Appreciation vs. RolloverStockRollover401k.html
    Municipal Bond Tax Equivalent YieldTaxEquivYeild.html
    Mortgage Debt ConsolidationMortgageConsolidate.html
    Roth 401(k) or Traditional 401(k)?RothvsTraditional401k.html, Compare401k.html
    Pre-tax or Roth (after tax) Account?RothvsPreTaxAccount.html
    401(k) Spend It or Save It CalculatorRollover401k.html
    Investment Goal CalculatorInvestmentVariables.html
    Roth IRA ConversionRothTransfer.html
    Roth IRA Conversion with DistributionsRothConversion.html
    Retirement Plan WithdrawalRetirementWithdrawal.html
    REIT Tax-Equivalent DistributionREITTaxEquivYield.html
    Health Savings Account (HSA) Contribution CalculatorHSAContribution.html
    Health Savings Account (HSA) Savings CalculatorHSASavings.html
    Health Savings Account (HSA) vs. Traditional Health PlanHSAvsTraditional.html
    Taxable vs. Tax Advantaged InvestmentsInvestCompare.html

    Use the table below to assist you in estimating your federal tax rate.

    Filing Status and Income Tax Rates 2017*
    Tax RateMarried Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er)SingleHead of HouseholdMarried Filing Separately
    10%$0 - $18,650$0 - $9,325$0 - $13,350$0 - $9,325
    15%$18,650 - $75,900$9,325 - $37,950$13,350 - $50,800$9,325 - $37,950
    25%$75,900 - $153,100$37,950 - $91,900$50,800 - $131,200$37,950 - $76,550
    28%$153,100 - $233,350$91,900 - $191,650$131,200 - $212,500$76,550 - $116,675
    33%$233,350 - $416,700$191,650 - $416,700$212,500 - $416,700$116,675 - $208,350
    35%$416,700 - $470,700$416,700 - $418,400$416,700 - $444,550$208,350 - $235,350
    39.6%Over $470,700Over $418,400Over $444,550Over $235,350
    *Caution: Do not use these tax rate schedules to figure 2016 taxes. Use only to figure 2017 estimates. Source: Rev. Proc. 2016-55

    NOTE:The actual tax calculators will be updated at the end of the tax season, in the 3/31/2017 update.

  24. Social Security Calculations

    Calculations and definitions updated for 2017. The calculations use the 2017 FICA income limit of $127,200 with an annual maximum Social Security benefit of $32,244 per year ($2,687 per month) for a single person and 1.5 times this amount for a married couple.

    These changes affect the following calculators:

    HTML File ChangedName
    Social Security CalculatorSocialSecurity.html
    How important is Social Security?NoSocial.html
    Retirement PlannerRetirementPlan.html
    Retirement Pension PlannerRetirementPlan3.html
    Retirement Nestegg CalculatorRetirementNestegg.html
    Your Number & Retirement Income PlanRetirementNumber.html
    Retirement Planner with Retirement EarningsRetirementPlan4.html

    The definitions of Social Security in each of these calculators has been updated to the following:

    The calculations use the 2017 FICA income limit of $127,200 with an annual maximum Social Security benefit of $32,244 per year ($2,687 per month) for a single person and 1.5 times this amount for a married couple. To receive the maximum benefit would require earning the maximum FICA salary for nearly your entire career. You would also need to begin receiving benefits at your full retirement age of 66 or 67 (depending on your birth date). This calculator rounds your age of full Social Security benefits to the next highest full year. If your birthdate is between 1955 and 1959 your actual full retirement age for Social Security is 66 plus two months for each year after 1954. Your actual benefit may be lower or higher depending on your work history and the complete compensation rules used by Social Security.

  25. Estate Tax Planning (EstatePlan.html, SPEstatePlan.html): The exemption amount has been increased to $5,490,00. This is up $40,000 from 2016. There was no change in the estate tax rate or anual gift exclusion amounts.

  26. Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) Comparison (Canadian and French Canadian) (CATFSACompare.html,FRTFSACompare.html ): The definitions and description has been updated for 2017, with the maximum set at $5,500 per year. This is no change from 2016. The new description reads:

    How taxes are applied to an investment can make an incredible difference. Starting in 2009 all Canadians 18 and older have a new option to save where all earnings and withdrawals are tax free. As of January 2017 you are able to contribute up to $5,500 per year to a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) and make tax free withdrawals at any time for any purpose. This calculator is designed to help compare a normal taxable investment to a TFSA and a RRSP.